We will sometimes "buy back” a trike and take this value off the purchase of a new trike. We will only consider trikes that are under 7 years old and are in full working order and in a reasonable cosmetic condition.
We don’t expect the trike to be “as new” - we want you to get the best use out of your trike and encourage people to just get out and moving - but we do require the trike to be easily refurbished to a saleable condition.
We need the serial number of your trike and some pictures to show us its condition. Once we have these we can make you an offer and begin the process of ordering your new trike!
How to find the serial number of your trike?
The Serial Number should be found on a white label that is attached to the frame of the tricycle, normally on the seat post.
In addition all of our special needs trikes are stamped with a unique serial number when they are manufactured. This allows us to track the trike through our manufacturing processes and lets us know the age and original owner of the trike.
You can find your serial number on the underside of the frame - where the pedals connect to the trike. If you tip the trike on its side and take a note or a photograph of the serial number we can use this to help you if you need spare parts or want to trade your trike in for a newer model.
How to get extra help from Theraplay?
Once you’ve found your trikes serial number we can see exactly what was fitted to the trike when it left the factory and what accessories can be added on.